In another desperate attempt to misinform the Florida voters, The Protect Dogs - Yes on 13 campaign once again put out an inaccurate press release. Jumping on the fact that the state of Florida neither taxes or requires internet wagering on greyhound races to be reported, brought out the age old "Dying Industry" claim as the betting in person at the tracks declined year over year. For those who actually know the truth, betting habits have changed just like peoples shopping habits. How many of you order things online from Amazon and other online retailers? Well betting has taken this turn also, but as you will see, the anti racing activists leave those wagers out to facilitate their campaign of misinformation.
In the annual report of the Division of Pari Mutual Wagering, lets look at the three biggest tracks, Derby Lane, Palm Beach, and Jacksonville. In that report, the handle from Jacksonville was reported to the state as $39,829,574. When you go online and search for past results, at the bottom of each days racing lines are the total handle reported by the track. These numbers were painstakingly totaled by Dick Ciampa. The total handle reported by this track for the same period was $90,530,670, a whopping difference of 50 million which was wagered online. The Palm beach track provided more of the same. In the State report, they had $49,988,741, the total reported handles by Palm Beach for that period were $155,671,152, A difference of 105 MILLION. Similar results were noted for Derby Lane. They reported $38,919,143 to the State. The actual handle was $90,902,125 another 50 MILLION dollar difference. So three out of the 12 tracks had 200 MILLION plus more dollars wagered than reported to the state and misreported by the Fake Dog Protectors.
One wonders what the numbers would look like with ALL 12 tracks analyzed. Stay tuned as we may just do that to once again PROVE that the Protect Dogs - Yes on 13 campaign will steal, lie, and promote misinformation without shame to dupe and hide the truth from the Florida voter.
It is clear betting habits have changed and the State of Florida should be getting a piece of that pie, but they choose not to. Nothing is dying here but brain cells and common sense.